We use a horizontally-parted green sand molding process to create gray iron castings to our customer’s specifications. Casting configurations range from simple, no-core castings, to complex, multiple-core castings.
Our Facilities Include:

CoreRoom Facilities
- Three Ferrodyne Model ACE automatic shell core machines
- Two Beardsley-Piper model SF-6CA shell core machines
- Eight Redford Shell core machines
- Strong relationships with multiple vendors for cold box and no-bake cores
– Three model HP42
– Two model HP43
– Three model HP16

Molding Facilities
- One Hunter Model HMP20 20″x24″ automatic molding machine
- Three Hunter Model HMP10 14″x19″ automatic molding machines
- Three Hunter turntables

Melting Facilities
- Scrap preheater
- Three Ajax Magnethermic 7,000 pound coreless induction furnaces
- Two 1200kW power supply units

Mulling Facilities
- Simpson National Engineering 215G Multimul
- ETA 3000 Green Sand Control System

Cleaning Facilities
- One 14 cubic foot Wheelabrator
- 5 industrial stand grinding stations
- 4 industrial cut grinding stations
- Wide variety of air grinding equipment for detail grinding

Quality Control Facilities
- One Heraeus Sensor Lab Foundry Iron Thermal Analysis Unit (SLF2K) for
immediate analysis of carbon, silicon, and temperature - One Heraeus Electro-Nite quick-lab for anlysis of carbon and silicon
- Brinnell Harness testers
- Chemical analysis and tensile strength through certified laboratory partners
Value-Added Services
Additional value-added services are available upon request either directly through Lemfco, Inc. or through our reliable partnerships with industry experts:

Chemical Analysis and Tensile Strength
Upon customer request test bars are sent to an independent laboratory to provide the customer with a certified chemical analysis and tensile strength.

Machining services can be provided through our long-standing partnerships with reliable, high-quality, local machine shops.

Painting and Coating
Finished castings can be sent to our partner paint shops and coating facilities to be primed, powder-coated, or plated, according to the customer’s needs.

Heat Treating
Contract partnerships with area heat-treaters allow us to offer quick-turnaround on annealing, hardening, quenching, tempering, and stress relieving.

Pattern Design, Repair, Modification
Basic pattern work is completed on site. For more extensive tooling needs, our pattern shop partners can design, build, or modify any necessary tooling.

Material Certifications and BHN
Material Certifications can be supplied with the casting shipment. Brinell Hardness Testing can be completed on-site and supplied when requested.